Notre Dame Academy

Location: Cincinnati, OH

Year: 2018

Photographer: Elevar

The Administration Board of Notre Dame Academy authorized a master plan process that would determine the scope of modernization and upgrades needed to serve the next generation of learners.  Our firm was engaged to validate the facility needs school and develop possible solutions.   After an inspection of the existing facilities and examination of building documents including maintenance data, we conducted interviews in which the Administration, staff, and students were involved, providing critical information for developing solutions.

As a result of our master planning, we recently completed the New Development Center, Chapel renovations, campus-wide signage and graphics, and renovations of the Commons Area. These projects included an update of the environmental graphics throughout the school building. The renovated areas allow the school to fulfill its mission to provide a 21st-century learning environment in which students can thrive.



555 Carr St.
Cincinnati, OH 45203

2360 Chauvin Dr.
Lexington, KY 40517

1220 West Sixth St.
Suite 300
Cleveland, OH 44113

