Three Rivers PK-12 School

Location: Cleves, OH

Year: 2020

The new Three Rivers Educational Campus consolidates the entire Three Rivers Local School District educational program from five separate existing structures to one new building on a previously undeveloped site.

Great care was taken in the design of the campus to separate the populations into two schools under the same roof: Three Rivers Elementary (PreK-6) and Taylor High School (7-12). A central administration wing provides command and control for the campus.

Working on behalf of the Three Rivers Local School District, Elevar worked with the District’s State Representatives to develop legislative actions to increase the OFCC funding to the District by an additional $25,000,000.00. Working within an established precedent where the State provided funding for school districts forced to close operating buildings because of environmental concerns, Elevar developed legislation which was included in the State Budget Bill to increase OFCC’s matching funds to 50% of the total building program cost.



555 Carr St.
Cincinnati, OH 45203

2360 Chauvin Dr.
Lexington, KY 40517

1220 West Sixth St.
Suite 300
Cleveland, OH 44113

